Terms & Condition / Shipping

Terms & Conditions

Buyers have confirmed and assured that they have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions in the form in which they appear at the time of use.

Tinylittlefrenz reserves the right to amend its site and contents including the Terms and Conditions whenever deemed fit, and continued use of the site will be deemed to constitute acceptance to these amendments.


Shipping & Delivery

Buyers have understood that items are ship from overseas will require 4 weeks in normal situation without delays. As we cannot ensure that there will be no delays from time to time. Please allow another 4 weeks, if shipment have been delayed from the usual 4 weeks lead time. These apply to Singapore buyers, buyers outside Singapore will have different lead time. 

As current covid restriction measures, global shortage of containers and vessels situation on the rise, delivery will take upto 2 months.

Pre-Sale Order

For all Pre-Sale Orders, leadtime will be between 4-6 weeks

Return & Exchange

Buyers have understood in our policys that neither no return nor exchange will be allow after order have been placed or delivered.

Damage parts will be replaced within Singapore purchases. Items purchases outside Singapore will not be replaced. Electronic items will not be warranty and no replacement will be given.

Tinylittlefrenz shall not be further liable for any damage loss or inconvenience of any form suffered whatsoever arising from any discrepancy.



Buyer have understood that there will only be refund if there will be no stock situation from the factory or error in the availability of stocks.

Case by case basic if refund is granted, buyer should return with full original package box and accessories, items shall not be used. In the event, item return have been found without original packaging box or have been found in used. Refund will be null and voided.

Tinylittlefrenz will have final decision if there is discrepancy.


Disclaimer of Liability

The content displayed on the site is provided without any guarantees, conditions or warranties to its accuracy unless expressly stated otherwise.
Any information provided by us regarding the products or otherwise is for informational purposes only, you should not take any action against Tinylittlefrenz based upon any information contained on this site.


You agree to indemnity, defend, hold harmless to Tinylittlefrenz from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs (including, but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use of this site or your breach of the Terms & Conditions.